Dentist New Brighton

Get to Know
Dr. Salma Helal, DDS

Dr. Helal knows it might sound cheesy, but she says the best part of her job is helping people smile and building their confidence (especially after a dental emergency/trauma). Coming from a family of teachers, she enjoys educating her patients about their oral health to empower them. She also finds it very fulfilling to take a patient with dental anxiety, build rapport and trust, and show them that there’s nothing to be scared of at the dentist. She can’t wait to get to know you, and you can learn a little more about her below!

Why Did You Want to
Become a Dentist?

Dr. Helal realized she was a science nerd back in high school when she took AP Biology and knew she had to do something in the sciences because biology explained just about everything in life. She explored everything from optometry to emergency medicine, and dentistry actually wasn't on her radar until she received dental surgery for her impacted canines (canine teeth stuck in the roof of the mouth) and three years of braces. She realized that dentistry had the perfect mix of science, art, hands-on-treatment, and instant gratification (see a broken tooth, fix a broken tooth), so she knew it was the perfect fit for her.

Where Did You Study Dentistry?

Dr. Helal graduated from the University of Minnesota College of Biological Sciences as a Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development major before going on to earn her dental degree at the U of M School of Dentistry.

After graduation, Dr. Helal completed a one-year general practice residency program (GPR) in Seattle to further advance her skills. This involved providing 24/7 on-call dental services for the emergency department and in-patients at the hospital. It also gave her training in more advanced dental procedures, including treating patients with complex medical histories, removal of impacted third molars, implant placement, endodontics, and sedation.

From there, she went on to work at a tribal clinic in northern Minnesota. After a year, she returned to Seattle and taught for her residency program and was the assistant program director there for three years. She eventually returned to Minnesota in September 2019 and worked for a large group dental practice before purchasing this office in January 2024.

Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

 Dr. Helal was raised in Fridley, a mere 1.5 miles from where our practice is located! She comes from a large Egyptian family. Her mom is a teacher along with some aunts and cousins, so teaching really just runs in her blood. She loves it when patients ask what a crown is and she can show them models or take photos of their teeth and can look at them on the big TV screens we have in the operatories.

When she isn’t serving patients or thinking about teeth, Dr. Helal’s favorite hobbies include practicing photography, reading, cooking, trying new restaurants (she’s a self-proclaimed foodie and would love to be a food reviewer), hiking, and collecting tea (she has an entire tea cabinet). She is also SCUBA certified but secretly terrified of water (she believes that if you don't push yourself out of your comfort zone, you are missing out on all sorts of amazing things).