Preventive Dentistry New Brighton

Know With Certainty Your Smile’s in Great Shape

Mother and father giving kids piggyback rides

Realistically speaking, even if you’re diligent about oral hygiene, it’s not possible to maintain pristine oral health on your own. But Dr. Helal and her team understand that there’s no better peace of mind than knowing with certainty that your smile is in great shape, and they’re determined to help you achieve this. To learn more about our preventive services and how we can ensure you and your loved ones maintain happy, healthy smiles moving forward, give our New Brighton office a call!


Why Choose Crescent Dental for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Hometown Dentist with a Modern, Comfortable Office
  • Children and Adult Patients Welcome
  • Oral Cancer Screenings Available


Dental Checkups & Cleanings

Dentist giving patient dental checkup for preventive dentistry in New Brighton

Even if you’re diligent about brushing and flossing daily, it’s unfortunately not enough to fully protect your smile and prevent nasty dental issues from popping up. However, by visiting our office semiannually for routine checkups and cleanings, you can ensure that you and your family members are adequately protected from all kinds of dental threats, large or small. These visits are relatively fast, painless, and certain to promote lasting and beautiful smiles. Each checkup also includes an oral cancer screening to ensure that your grin is safeguarded from this deadly illness.

Children’s Dentistry

Young boy receiving checkup from dentist

Dental health begins at a very young age. Did you know your child should start seeing a dentist as soon as they get their first tooth? Establishing a dental home early can lead to a lifetime of good oral health. By working with your child to maintain their oral health early on, we can ensure that they achieve a beautiful and healthy smile for life! During each visit, we’ll carefully inspect your child’s teeth and clean them with just as much attention as we would yours, and we’ll let you know if we discover any hidden issues that warrant treatment. We’ll provide them with fluoride treatment, and offer both of you guidance on how to keep things healthy moving forward!

Learn More About Children’s Dentistry

Gum Disease Treatment

Woman pulling down lip to show signs of gum disease

One of the most chronic oral health issues in the world, gum disease, is a true menace. This condition can threaten every part of your smile, including your gum tissue and your pearly whites. What’s worse is that it can even cause other systematic issues, including cardiovascular illness, if left untreated. Fortunately, gum disease can often be managed and kept under control before its symptoms become too severe and debilitating. We can use treatments like scaling and root planing to target the bad bacteria responsible for gum disease, giving your smile a second chance to shine its brightest and remain healthy.

Fluoride Treatment

Dentist giving young patient a fluoride treatment

Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, is used frequently in modern dentistry due to the unique way in which it can help our teeth. Fluoride can assist with the remineralization of our enamel, the outermost layer of our teeth. This greatly boosts your overall level of protection from cavities and decay! Following your dental checkup and cleaning, we can apply fluoride varnish to help strengthen your enamel and prevent tooth decay. It takes just seconds to apply, unlike those bulky foamy trays you may remember from decades ago. Our office also offers high-fluoride toothpaste for those patients at a higher risk of cavities, so be sure to ask our staff during your next visit if you’re interested.

Dental Sealants

Illustration of teeth with dental sealants

Cavities are a serious problem, and children tend to be at a higher risk of getting them on their back teeth due to the pitted surfaces and grooves found on them. We can apply dental sealants to these teeth to provide them with an additional amount of protection. These are made from safe, biocompatible materials that sport a natural-looking appearance. Better yet, this process is quick and gentle for patients of all ages – teens and adults can benefit from sealants, too!

Nightguards for Bruxism

Hand holding two nightguards for bruxism

Bruxism is a condition that causes patients to grind or clench their teeth, and since it often happens subconsciously while patients are sleeping, it’s not always easy to diagnose. However, it can cause permanent damage to the teeth and jaw muscles if left untreated. Stress can increase your risk of a flare up and cause pain or even broken teeth. Our team can provide you with a custom-made nightguard to assist with managing your bruxism symptoms. This device acts as a protective barrier between your teeth, ensuring that they don’t cause damage to each other during the night.