Tooth Extractions New Brighton

Saving Your Smile from Troublesome Teeth

Your natural teeth are very important for several reasons – they help you bite and chew, assist with enunciation, and keep your jawbones healthy and intact. That said, we’ll only recommend tooth extraction if it’s necessary and there’s no other way to save the tooth in question, or if your oral wellness is at great risk. But rest assured, we’ll do everything we can to make this process smooth and stress-free, so that you can quickly return to smiling happily and healthily.


Why Choose Crescent Dental for Tooth Extractions?

  • Dr. Helal is a Hospital-Trained Dentist
  • Wisdom Tooth Extractions Available
  • Numerous Lifelike Restorative Solutions

When are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Dr. Helal will only recommend a tooth extraction if the tooth (or teeth) in question should not remain inside the mouth. A few scenarios that often warrant this procedure include:

  • The tooth is so damaged or decayed that a filling or another type of restoration won’t work to restore it.
  • Some teeth need to be removed before receiving orthodontic treatment.
  • Gum disease has caused teeth to become loose.
  • A tooth cannot properly erupt (this is often the case with wisdom teeth).